Alpha-keratin is a protein present in which thing?Wool
The improper function of which results in condition ‘Myxedema’ in human beings?Thyroid gland
Which can be used for biological control of mosquitoes?Gambusia
Which vitamin is considered to be a hormone?D
Through which Translocation of food materials in plants takes place?Phloem
In which is ‘Foot and Mouth Disease’ found?Cattle
Foot-and-Mouth disease in animals, a current epidemic in some parts of the world, By which is this caused?Bacterium
In which animal is respiration done by skin?Frog
Due to bite of mad dog the disease hydrophobia is caused by which virus?Rabies virus
Medicine for epilepsy is obtain from which lichen?Parmelia
What percentage of water is lost during transpiration?0.99
What is Study of growth and development of embryo?Embryology
What is the Study of pulse and arterial blood pressure called?Sphygmology
What is considered as the easily digestable source of protein?Soyabean
In the human body, cowper’s glands form a part of which system?Reproductive system
In absence of ribosome in cell which function does not takes place?Protein synthesis
Which tissue takes part in healing the wounds?Epithelium tissue
Which is the vitamin that is most readily manufactured in our bodies?Vitamin D
In human body, which are the leg bones?Humerus and Femur
In metabolism, how enzymes act?As catalyst
Wine production is mainly carried out in natural region?Mediterranean region
Where are the Postaz temperate grassland?Hungary
ORT (Oral Rehydration Therapy) is associated with the treatment of which disease?Diarrhea
To suspect HIV/AIDS in a young individual, which symptom is mostly associated with?Chronic diarrhoea
Which Part of plant is important for the life cycle of plant?Flower
Which is an insectivorous plant?Pitcher plant
How many chamber are found in the heart of frog?3
Sex determination of child is done by whose chromosome?Father
What is the effect of overseretion of harmone from pituitary gland?Increase growth in lenght
What is the short upper part of the human intestine next to the stomach?Duodenum
Which technique can be used to established the paternity of a child?Quantitative analysis of DNA
By whom was Gene first isolated?Hargobind Khurana
By whom was Insulin discovered?Dr. F G. Banting
From which part of the plant is turmeric obtained?Stem
Which cytoplasmic organelles are treated as prokaryotic cells within the eukaryotic cells?Glyoxysomes
Archaeopteryx had which reptilian characters?Clawed wings, teeth on jaw, tail
By using which technique, is DNA fingerprint done?Southern Blotting
Which type of microorganism is most widely used in industries?Bacteria, microalgae and fungi.
Which term for natural vegetation is associated with Siberia?Taiga
For which snake is the diet mainly composed of their snakes?Kingcobra
What structure is common to both earthworm and cockroach?Ventral nerve cord
Which part of human brain is the regulating centre for swallowing and vomating?Medulla oblangata
Which is used to know the development of foetus in uterus?Ultrasound
Which oil is used in the floatation method for the purification of ores?Pine oil
Who published the book ‘Origin of species by natural selection in 1859’?Darwin
Which vitamin is generally excreted by humans in urine?Vitamin C
A person who lives exclusively on milk, egg and bread is likey to become a victim of which desease?Scurvy
Which is known as ‘graveyard of RBCs’?Spleen
Which are the glands of the body which pour their seretions directly into the blood stream?Endocrine glands
A typical human ribcage consists of how many ribs?24
Which cell organelle is responsible for cellular respiration?Mitochondrium
Which communicable disease is caused by bacteria?Leprosy
What is the first compound which is fixed during photosynthesis?Glucose
Which substance found in blood which helps in cloting?Fibrinogen
What is in a healthy person rate of heart beat on one minute?72 times
Myxoedema is disorder produed due to hypersecretion of which gland?Thyroid
What does protein deficiency in children usually between the age of 1 to 3 year cause?Kwashiorkor
Which continent has the lowest birth and death rates?Europe
Which disease is caused by bacteria and spread though faecal matter by houseflies?Typhoid
What is a glass sided tank, bowl in which aquatic animals live?Aquarium
The word “biodiversity” is a combination of which two words?Biology and diversity
"All of the organisms living in a particular area, what do they make up?A biological community
"Which disease is caused by the bite of a mad dog?Hydrophobia
Wisdom teeth normally grow during the which age?17-30 years
Which disease is characterised by inflammation of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord?Meningitis
What is Amnesia?Related to loss of memory
What is the normal cholesterol level in human blood?180-200 mg%
What is Syrinx?Voice box in Birds
Which modification of root does not store food?Stilt
Which fungus is responsible for disease late blight of potato?Phytophthora infestans
Which gland is both exo and endocrine gland?Pancreas
Which state produces maximum Soya bean?Madhya Pradesh
Which blood vessel bringing blood into Bowman’s capsule?Afferent arteriole
Which causes the disease syphilis?Bacteria
For which is the southern blot technique used for the detection?DNA
What dose not contain a hydrophobic structure?Rubber
Which is the richest source of ascorbic acid?Guava
Which worm reach into intestine of human by eating leaf?Tape worm
What is the most satisfactory method for separating sugars?Chromatography
Alzheimer’s disease in human beings is characterised by which degeneration?Degeneration of nerve cells
Which of the following will provide maximum roughage to our diet, if taken in equal mass?Cabbage
In which Photosynthesis occurs?Chloroplast
Which are the important species of the Mediterranean biome?Pine, cedar, fir
What is the transfer of pollengrain from pollensac to stigma called?Pollination
Which branch of science deals with the study of tissue found in the body of organism?Histology
Maximum nutritive element aborbed by blood from which part of alimentary canal?Small intestine
Which genetic disease is sex -linked?Royal haemophilia
Which cell organelles function as the power house of a living cell?Mitochondria
Transfer of genetic information from one generation to the other is accomplisheded by–Transfer of RNA
Where do Sweat glands occur in greatest number?In the skin of the armpits
What is the total number of bones in human skull?30
Which characteristic is common among parrot, platypus and kangaroo?Functional post anal tail
AIDS is caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), What is this?Retro virus
Who wrote Species Plantarum and Systema Natural?Linneus
Medicine for high blood pressure is obtained from which species?Rauwolffia species
When does a cell increase in volume?If the external medium is hypotonic
Which plant yeilds biodiesel or biofuel?Jatropha curcas
Which enzyme is found in human saliva?Ptyalin
Which vitamin is very liable and easily destroyed during cooking as well as storage?Vitamin C
Which organ destroys worn out RBCs in the body of a vertebrate?Spleen
Respiration can occur in the absence of oxygen in which thing?Yeast
What is the selectively permeable membrane of the cell?Plasma lemma
Which compound gives both ninhydrin test and Molisch’s test?A protein
Which is the largest phylum in the animal kingdom in respect of number of species?Arthropoda
Which of the following carbohydrates is most abundant in nature?Cellulose
Which is largest cell organelles?Plastid
Which substance is more than 80% in the cell?Water
In which organ of the human body are the lymphocyte cells formed?Spleen
What is Hepatitis-B, which affects liver?Virus
The saliva helps in the digestion of which thing?Starch
Which organs are morphologically different but perform the same function?Analogous organs
After respiration the conversion of energy is mainly in which form of?ATP
What is also known as green Protozoa?Euglena
Which have the largest share of deficit in Govt. of India budget?Fiscal deficit
In a living cell what is the site of ribosome formation?Nucleolus
What do both respiration and photosynthesis require?Cytochromes
Which Biologist proposed the theory of Germ plasm?Weisman
Which vitamin is transformed in golden rice?Vitamin A
Which one of symbiotic algae is found in secretory cell of hydra?Euchlorella
Which animal is blind (Extremely poor eyesight)?Bat
Animal goes under winter sleep due to low temperature, what is called?Aestivation
Which organelles in the cell, other than nucleus contains DNA?Mitochondria
What is infolding from the inner membrane of mitochondria called?Cristae
Which is used extensively for genetic engineering in plant?A g r o b a c t e r i u m tumefaciens
For which is the northern blot technique used for the detection?RNA
Flower have colour due to the preiod of–anthocyanins
Which is the sweetest sugar?Fructose
What is the largest gland in the human body?Liver
What is the most important function of perspiration?To regulate body temperature
In human body which is the largest in size?Liver
Which an important product is obtained from styles and stigma?Saffron
Which tissue is responsible for the secondary growth?Cambium
Whose living cell provides tensility and mechanical strength?Collenchyma
Which part of brain is centre of thirst hunger and sleep?Hypothalmus
What is the number of chromosome in a normal human body cell?46
By whom was Artificial gene synthesis first done in laboratory?Khurana
How many species are under threat in mainland France?A thousand
What is the best method for improving the nutrient composition of a diet’?By combining various foods
Which is the scientist who explained about blood circulation for the first time?William Harvey
Which is used to remove astigmatism for a human eye?Cylindrical lens
Iris has no pigment in which people?Blue-eyed people
The anti-malarial drug Quinine is made from a plant. Which is that plant?Cinchona
Pheretima posthuma is scientific name of which animal?Earth worm
Which structure is present in mitochondria?Oxysomes
Edward Jenner is related with which disease?Small pox
Which vitamin is essential for poor bone and teeth formation?Vitamin D
Healing of wounds is hastened by which vitamin?C
Where are red blood corpuscles formed?In bone marrow
How much blood does an average adult have in the body?5-6 litres
Which part of the pitcher plant becomes modified’ into a pitcher?Leaf
Which is an insectivorous plant?Pitcher plant
Which cells have least regeneration capacity?Cell of brain
In which processes light energy is converted into chemical energy?Photosynthesis
What is a physical basis of life?Protoplasm
In which cell organelle do photo and thermochemical reactions occur in different sites?Chloroplasts
Which is an insectivorous plant?Nepenthes
The salivary gland secrete saliva that contains which enzyme?Ptyalin
Which sugar is present in considerable amount in the blood?Glucose
In human beings, normally in which part, does the sperm fertilize the ovum?Fallopian tube
Which part of human brain is the regulating centre for swallowing and vomiting?Medulla oblongata
Which component of plants receives stimulus for flowering?Leaves
Which thing acts as an antidote to HgCl2 poisoning?White of egg
Which animal lays eggs and does not produce young ones directly?Echidna
How many pair of heart is found in an earthworm?Four
What is systolic and diastolic pressure in a healthy man?120 mm and 80 mm
Which destroy the toxic substance found in digested food?Liver
Which group has the highest number of endangered species?Reptiles
Which of the following has been found useful in keeping cholesterol level down?Garlic
What is the ready source of energy available for athletes?Carbohydrates
Urine of a diabetes patient contains more than average quantity of which thing?Sugar
Which is a form of heart disease in which blood supply to the heart is inadequate?Angina
Which animal breathes through the skin?Frog
Dog bite can cause rabies. Which other animal can also cause rabies?Bat
In plant energy is produced during which process?Respiration
In which part of the eye lies the pigment, that decides the colour of the eyes of a person?Choroid
Appetite and satiety centres of brain, where are present in?Hypothalmus
Which gland disapear during old age?Thymus
Which is not a plantation crop?Sugarcane
Which harmful element tobacoo exists in tobacoo?Nicotine
Which gland is situated beneath the brain and whose oversecretion produces giants-size children?Pituitary
There are approximately howmany muscles in human body?700
The deficiency of which leads to dental caries?Fluorine
In which antibody formation takes place?Blood Plasma
What is good source of protein?Soyabean
Which animal have no blood but they respire?Hydra
What is the smallest structural and functional unit of nervous system?Neuron
Which are two richest known sources of edible protein?Soy-bean and groundnut
Which nutrients are most likely to be affected by food processing and storage?Vitamins
Which is a round worm that enters man’s body through the soles of the feet?Hookworm
What is a Dental formula of man?2123/2123
What is an example of vestigial organ in man?Canine teeth
What is the study of effect of light on various biological life process?Photobiology
What is the The chemical part of the dye that absorbs light and produces colour called?A pigment
Translocation of carbohydrate nutrient usually occurs in which form?Maltose
Food is converted into energy in which of the cellular organelles of cell?Mitochondria
What is Study of inter relationship between living organism and their environment?Ecology
In dry regions, the leaf size of a tree becomes smaller why?Reduce transpiration
What is richest source of vitamin D is?Cod liver oil
What is Crop rotation?Growing different crops-in succession
Which vitamin is synthesised in the body by intestinal bacteria?Vitamin K
Which organ breaks fat to produce cholesterol?Liver
During the fermentation of sugar, which enzyme which converts glucose into ethyl alcohol?zymase
Which human organ is most susceptible to harmful radiations?Lungs
Which part modified into pitcher in pitcher plant?Leaf
What is Anosmia?Loss of the sense of smell
Entomophily pollination occur with the help of which creatures?Insects
A person feel fatigued due to depositon of which acid in their muscles?Latic Acid
In the retina of eye cells what is present for colour differentiation?Cones
Which vitamin is essential for the coagulation of blood?Vitamin K
How much protein a working woman must intake everyday?45 g
What is the introduction of foreign genes for improving genotype?Immunisation
Which is the phylum that includes exclusively marine animal?Echinodermata
Insects that can transmit diseases to human are referred to as which name?Vectors
Which insect spreads kala-azar?Sand fly
Which vegetable protein is considered as good as an animal protein?Soyabean protein
To which type of organisms do mushrooms belong?Fungi
Plants having thorny leaves and penetrating roots are classified by which name?Xerophytes
Which is the plant hormone that induces cell division?Auxins
What is the Branch of science which deals with the study of skin of man?Dermatology
Which branch of science in which we study about molluscs?Malacology
Which antimicrobial drug is suitable for treatment of both tuberculosis and leprosy?Rifampicin
Which tissue help in keeping the body warm?Fatty tissue
In Which kind of organisms is the phenomenon found wherein the female kills the male after copulation?Spider
In which animal, is skin a respiratory organ?Frog
Which kind of organisms are the diatoms?Unicellular algae
Which is the type of movement that occurs during opening and closing of flower?Nastic movement
What is required for synthesis of carbohydrate?Carbon dioxide
Which gland is responsible for the secretion of insulin?Pancrease
What is a good source of Vitamin ‘E’?Fresh vegetable
What is abiotic component of ecosystem?Water
Epiphytes are plant which depend on other plants for which purpose?Mechanical support
Which hormone is responsible for the secretion of milk in mothers?Lactogenic hormone
A vein is a vessel that carries blood which side?Towards the heart
What is in lichen symbiotic relationship between fungi and algae called?Halotism
Middle ear is not found in snake. Through part do they receive sound?Skin
Through which are the characters are transferred from parents to progeny?DNA
Which branch of biology deal with the study of heredity?Genetics
Which combination of foods providing protein quality nearest to that of meat?Sprouted gram and groundnuts
Which disease is inheritable?Colour blindness
By which doctor was the first successful heart transplant in India performed?Dr. Venugopal
Which Photosynthetic organelles are found in plant cells?Chloroplast
Besides water and light which is more essential as a raw material for photosynthesis?CO2
Thyroid gland is activated by which harmonic for the secretion of thyroxin?TSH
Which salt is found in bone in largest amount?Calcium phosphate
Which of Indian bird has been included in the world conservation list?Vulture
Plants which lack true roots, stems and leaves are called by which name?Thallophytes
Human protein x –1– antitrysin is used for which disease?Emphysama
Where is the Central Food Technology Research Institute situated?Mysore
Which plant produces seeds but not flowers?Groundnut
For which snake is the diet mainly composed of other snakes?King cobra
Which insect spreads Kala-azar? – Sand flySand fly
Food prepared by plant, through which is transported to different part of plant?Phloem
What is responsible for blue body syndrone?Nitrate
What is the Biological death of a patient?Death of tissues of the brain
Inside the body, why does blood not coagulate?Due to the presence of heparin
Production of which is a function of the liver?Urea
Where is Human body’s main organ of balance located?Inner part of ear
What is the net gain of energy from one gram mole of glucose during aerobic respiration?38 ATP
In plant body, by which the water and minerals are transported?Xylum
What is necessary for digestion of food?Enzyme
Which element is depleted most from the soil after a crop is harvested?Potassium
Which animal-that eats both plants and animals?Omnivore
Which element is essentials for the transmission of impulses in the nerve fibre?Calcium
Dialysis is used for people with defective kidneys. What does It involves?The process of osmosis
How much portion of egg does protein content?0.133
In human beings, What is the opening of the stomach into the small Intestine called?Pylorus
What is the roots arises from the horizontal arial branches of tree Banyan called?Prop root
The cauliflower shape is associated with which cloud formations?Cumulus
Which root contain nitrogen fixing bacteria?Nodulated root
What is considered as the drug of last resort for human being?Chloramphenical
Deficiency of which vitamin causes knock-knee, bow legs and pigeon chest in children?Vitamin D
BCG vaccination (Bacillus Calmette Guerine) is injected to get immunity from which disease?Tuberculosis
What is the factor adversely affecting the fermentation process?High concentration of sugar
How does retina in the eyes acts?Film in the camera
What is the proportion of red blood corpuscles and white blood corpuscles in human body?500:01:00
Which vitamin plays a vital role in the coagulating property of blood?Vitamin K
Sweating during exercise indicates operation of which process in the human body?Osmoregulation
Which is responsible for converting milk into curd?Bacteria
Which fungus is responsible for the tikka disease of groundnut?Cercosplora personata
Which animals who have constant body temperature?Homeothermic
How much daily intake of proteins is recommended for a moderately active women?46 gram
White lung disease is prevalent among the worker of which industry?Cotton Industry
For which disease is Oncogene responsible?Cancer
Which chamber of human heart pumps fully oxygenated blood to aorta and hence to the body?Left Ventricle
Soil can best be conserved on the hills by which of the cultivating methods?Contour ploughing
What is the principle pathway of water translocation in angiosperms?Xylem vessel system
Which tree require highest amount of water for growth?Euclyptus
What is the principal structural elements of a living cell?Carbon
What is known as power house of cell?Mitochondria
What is the role of in the rabbit and horse, the appendix?It helps in digestion of cellulose
A girl ate sweets while fanning the flies away. Due to this, she suffered from a which disease?Cholera
Which cell organelle is semi-permeable?Plasma membrane
The couple between base units of DNA is through which bonding?Hydrogen bonding
Throgh which are water and mineral in plant are transported?Xylem
Trunk of tree increases in grith due to cell division in which tissue?Meristematic tissue
Which stage of development of insect is most harmful for crop?Caterpillar
By which are heredity characters of parent transfered to their offspring?Chromosomes
What is exception to Mendel’s principle of dominance?Mirablius
Dog bite can cause rabies. Which other animals can also cause rabies?Bat
Which animal which can tolerate more summer heat?Goat
Which root develops from any part of plant body except the radical?Adventitious root
For the implantation of fertilize ova uterus secret which harmone?Estrogen
Which major chemical compound found in human kidney stones?Calcium oxalate
Entamoeba histolytica is found in which part of man?Intestine
Reduced leaves and sunken stomata are the main feature of which thing?Xerophytes
Cirrhosis is a disease that affects which organ?Liver
BMD testing is done to diagnose which disease?Osteoporosis
Golden rice has the highest quantity of which vitamin?Vitamin A
Which test helps in diagnosis of cancer?Biopsy test
Which animal belongs to the family in which Panda belongs?Bear
Which part of cockroach bears exo and endoskeleton?Head
The theory of use and disuse was used to explain evolution by which scientist?Lamarck
By when is extinction of a species in a food chain compensated?Food web
Growth of which organ does the virus of AIDS affects?T cells in blood
The human body is immune to which disease?Small pox
Phycology is the branch of botany, what do we study about in this branch?Algae
Palaeobotany is the branch of botany, what do we study about in this branch?Plant fossils
Which part became modified as the tusk of elephant?Second incisor
If the radius of blood vessels decrease, what will be in the blood pressur?Increase
What do ligaments join?Bone to bone
Most of the digestion occur in which part of alimentory canal of man?Small intestine
Which of light are strongly absorbed by plants?Blue and red
Deficiency of which vitamin cause knock-knee, bow legs and pigeon chest in children?Vitamin D
In which type of cell divisions does crossing over of chromosomes takes place?Meiosis
What is the source of immediate energy for cellular activity?ATP
What is the grouping of organisms into categories according to a systematic plan?Classification
By whom is the famous book System a Naturae is written?Linnaeus
Deficiency of which vitamin, causes xerophthelmia?Vitamin A
What is the average fat content in buffalow milk?0.072
Nobel Prize winning scientist James D. Watson is known for his work in which area?Genetics
Chromosomes are made up of which main component?DNA
Coconut and mango grouped under, which kind of fruit?Drup
Enlargment of which gland takes place due to deficiency of iodine?Thyroid
Concentrated sulphuric acid is always diluted by adding which thing?Acid to water
By whom was oral polio vaccine discovered?Jonas Salk
Which pair belongs to the category of cold-blooded animals?Frogs and snakes
In the case of a ‘test-tube baby’ where does fertilisation take place?Outside the mother’s body
What is the a biological process in which glucose and fat is oxidised to librate energy?Respiration
Which technique can be used to establish the paternity of a child?DNA finger printing
Who got noble prize for artificial synthesis of DNA?Kornberg
Which state in India are the largest producers of sugarcane?Bihar and Uttar Pradesh
By whom was the antibiotic penicillin first discovered?Alexzander Fleming
Which gland in human body enlarged due to goiter?Thyroid
What is involved in controlling blood sugar level?Islets of langerhans
What is the life of RBC in human blood?120 days
Which part of the cell is essential for protein synthesis?Ribosomes
For which disease no vaccine is yet available?Malaria
By whom are fishing, hunting and food gathering activities carried out?Semangs of Malaysia
Who discovered Anopheles mosquito transmit malaria?Ronal ross
Who discovered the causal organism of the disease Anthrax?Robert Koch
Between which set of blood groups, is the blood transfusion possible?A and AB (A donor)
What is pH of human blood?From 7.5 to 8
Which environment support the growth of Mangrove Swamp?Tidal flat
Howmuch time does a heart beat require approximately?0.8 second
In which animal, is skin a respiratory organ?Frog
Malaria parasite and Amoeba are grouped under?Protozoa
Where is respiratory centre situated?Medulla oblongata
Which gland in human body is popularly called ‘Adam’s apple’?Thyroid
A ‘flower bud’ which is uses as a spice is obtained from which plant?Clove
How many pair of never arises from vertebral column?31 pair
Ethylene reacts with sulphur monochloride to form which gas?Mustard gas
Ultrafiltering unit of kidney is known by which name?Nephron
Which tissue in cells have lost the capicity of cell division?Permanent tissue
Which is known as the queen of spices?Cardamom
Where are Lungs situated?In thoracic cavity
If CO2 concentration in the blood increases, what will breathing?Increase
Which is a hot wind?Zonda
Which is the largest tribal community in India?Gonds
Which nitrogen fixing bacteria is found in leguminuous plant?Rizobium
Which fungus makes symbiotic relationship with the root of higher plant?Mycorrhizae
What is a vestigeal organ in man?Muscles ear lobe
What is the normal temperature of the human body?98.4°F
Which muscle is the strongest of all in the human body?Thigh
What is the separation of colloidal particles from those of molecular dimensions called?Dialysis
Longest bone found in which part of human body?Thigh
Dialysis can separate which in addition to the glucose from human blood?Protein
In Homo sapiens, where does fertilisation occurs?Oviduct
Which is the longest bone in the human body?Thigh bone
Which harmone is called emergency hormone?Adrenalin
Which enzyme take part in digestion of milk protein?Rennin
What is the largest lymphatic organ of the body?Spleen
Where is Pituitary gland present?Below the brain
Which part of human brain is most highly developed as compared to others?Cerebrum
In the human body which sturcture is the appendix attached to?Large intestine
How many bones are there in the human cranium?8
Blood pressure is the pressure exerted on the wall of which part?Artery
Cow milk is a rich source of which vitamin?Vitamin A
What is the transmission of characters from one generation to next?Heredity
What is the study of the interaction of antigens and antibodies called?Serology
Which organism is required for the preparation of alcohol?Fungi
Which is known as master gland in man?Pituitary
Which is the contractile protein muscle?Myosin
In which disease do the germs enter through open wounds?Tetanus
What is potato an under ground modified stem?Tubers
Image of object is formed on which part of eye?Retina
Which is the sweetest natural sugar?Lactose
How many bones are there in human body?206
What is Funny Bone?A nerve
Who is responsible for the sex determination of a child?Father
Which was the Russian scientist who proposed the theory of origin of life?Oparin
Which set contains foods rich in carbohydrates?Banana, potato and rice
Xerophytes are plants which can grow in regions having how moisture?Low moisture
Pregnant women usually become deficient in which nutrients?Calcium and iron
Which organ cannot be transplanted?Brain
By which antibodies are produced in the plasma of blood?Lymphocytes
Which organ in animals breaks fat to produce cholesterol?Liver
Which vitamin is necessary for blood clotting?Vitamin K
In a food chain, howmuch solar energy utilized by plants?1 percent
Which group of animals is primates?Lemurs
Which organ have the capacity of regeneration?Liver
Which organelle is present in bacteria or prokaryotic cell?Ribosomes
Which hormone contains iodine?Thyroxine
What is not a digestive enzyme in human system?Gastrin
Which element is responsible for blue baby syndrome?Nitrate
What is the pH level of blood of a normal person?7.35-7.45
How do most insects respire?By trachea system
Which factors are most responsible for disease in plant?Fungi
Which is mostly cold blooded animal?Shark
‘Darwin finches’ refers to a group of which creatrue?Birds
Which snake is not poisonus?Pythen
Which pigment is found in the blood of earthworm?Hemocyanine
In human body, which hormone regulates blood calcium and phosphate?Parathyroid hormone
Which Insectivorous fish used for mosquito control?Gambusia
Absorption of water by root occurs in the region of which parts?Root hairs
Which component of plants receives stimulus for flowering?Leaves
Jointed appendages are characteristic of which phylum?Arthropoda
Which tissue in man where no cell division, occurs after birth?Nerves
In India famous Bengal famine accurred in 1942 by which disease?Leaf spot of rice
Which biomass has the highest species diversity?Tropical rainforests
Mycology is the branch of botany, what do we study about in that branch?Fungi
Which branch of biology in which we-study about cultivation of flowering plant?Floriculture
Which fungy causes green ear disease of bajra?S c l e r o s p o r a graminicola
Which branch of biology deals with study of heredity and variation?Genetics
How many number of chamber are found in the heart of Mammal?4
Which Bacteria commonly lives in the intestine of human?Escherichia coli
Parthanogenesis is seen generally in which fruit?Grapes
By which name Pace-maker is also known?S.A. Node
The food material in fungi is stored in which form?Glycogen
Which plant only produce seed but not fruit?Cycus
Chekori powder is obtain from which part of plant?Root
Which type of cell has the ability to develop into any type of all?Stem cell
Who was founder of Boy Scouts and Civil Guides Movement in India?Baden Powell
Spice saffron is obtained from which part of plant?Stigma
Which Pollination takes place with the help of water is called?Hydrophyily
Belladona medicine is obtained by which part of Atropa belladona?From leaf
Which plant produces seed but not fruit?Cycus
Star fish circulatory is called–Hemal system
Where old and dead RBC dispose–Splean
Largest white blood corpsull is–Monocyte
Main function of white blood cell in body–Fight from disease in body
AIDS virus destroyed the –Lymphocyte
During respiration by which process gasses inter and release from the bloodDiffussion
Which is natural collodals–Blood
In blood hemoglobin is mixture of protein in which following is found.Iron
In blood oxygen carrying protein is–Hemoglobin
Highest Affinity of hemoglobin occur for–For carbon monoxide
Human blood appere red due to–Due to hemoglobin
In which following element found in hemoglobin.Iron
On joint uric acid crystal accumulation, it caused–Gout
In which living oxygenated and deoxygenated blood combined–Amphibean
How many region found in human brain–3
In which following in reglable from blood pressure.Adernal gland
In which following is respiratory pigment in human–Hemoglobin
Universal donor are those person, which have blood–O
In one parents group is AB and on the O then what is possible blood group of his daughter.A or O
In which blood group is universal acceptor–AB
Person, which have blood group AB, such person donor blood, which have blood group?AB
General or normal Human blood pressure of human as.80/120 mm Hg
The normal blood pressure of adult human is–120/80 mm Hg
Which is regulate blood pressure–Adernal gland
“Hypertension” word used for–For increase blood pressure
On human power circulation of blood is known as –Iseimia
In adult male no of RBC present–5.0 million
In blood, which anticoagulant substance found–Heparin
In human blood normal level of clastrol is –180–200 mg%
The normal level of blood sugar in per 100 ml blood is–80–100 mg
What is amount of glucose in mg/100 ml level in empty stomach?60
The pH of Human blood is–7.4
Normal amount of blood in adult human is –Five liter
What is percentage amount of total density of plasma present in human blood–55
Anemia occurs due to–Serum
Anemia occurs due to–Folic acid
For prevention of bleading generally which aluminum ions used.Potass alum
In which is chromo protein.Hemoglobin
Which is related to Christmas feature:–Blood clot
Hemo–Cymph is seen in–Arthropoda
In which following is the life span of RBC in human?120 day
The average life span of RBC is–100–120 days
Blood circulation in blood vessesl of earthworm occurs.Poterior
Liver is rich sources of:–Fat soluble Vitamin
Vegetable are spoil because they contain rich amount of –Water
In which following organs convert glycogen into glucose and purifier blood.Liver
Table carbohydrate, is the kende of sugar.Sucrose
The rich source of food protein is–Soybean and Ground nut
In which following is a fiber protein–Kerotein
Which tissue form feather, toes and horns–Keratein
In which following substance resistance the skin layer from the waterKeroten
In which following heavy metal toxiety cause liver’s cause liver’s resosisCopper
Lemon is sour due to–Citric Acid
In which following is not uses of saliva–This increase KBC in boely.
Saliva help digestion of –Fat
Mouth saliva release and digest –Mund (Starch)
In which following part cross the digestion and respiratory pipe–Throut
Corn is a rich source of–Starch
Milk converts into cogulated milk or curd with help of enzyme.Rennin
Which is of cause yellowish colour of cow milk–Carotene
Today milk not consider balance diet because it don’t contain–Iron and Vitamin C
Sour milk contain –Lactic acid
In which following known as destruction site of RBCSphleen
Largest organ of human body is–Liver
In bone and teeth which chemical substance is found–Calcium of phosphate
In which following not release digestive enzyme–Liver
Other then carbohydrate, which is important source of energy in our food–Fat
Human body mostly get energy from of vegetation energy in form ofCarbohydrate
In our body in which following given energy–Carbohydrate
For instanent energy, which is following given is athletes:–Carbohydrate
In milk following pair of protein and carbohydrate found–Caesin, laetose
Fruit are sweat in test due–Fruitose
In which following is a sweetest sugar–Fructose
Involve in animal food–Cellulose
In our body, fat present below to skin, which resist from–Loss of body heat
Iodine is used for determination of–Oil in Unsaturation
In which following is known as “capital assets” of cell–Nucleic acid
Nitrogen is the important compound of–Protein
In which following release sex hormone.–Adernal gland
Lactional hormone release from the–Pituitary
Where pituitary gland found in body–In base of the brain
In which following glands regulate the body temperature or thermoregulatory.Hypothalamus
Which is center of human body regulate angry, water balance and body temperature–Hypothalamus
Which gland of human body regulates the recreation of the hormone of pituitary gland?Hypothalamus gland
In which following notact both exorend and endocrine gland–Pitutary gland
In human body largest heteroclite gland as–Pancreas
In mammal largest gland found–Liver
In body which largest endocrine gland–Thyroid
In which following endocrine gland found in neck?Thyroid
When one or single gene control the more than one character then its known as –Pleiotropic
Who discovered insulin–A.F. Bating
Which is the example of hormone, heat in form of protein–Oxytocin
In which gland in human body, which related to excitement of body.Adernal cortex
During excitement, which hormone release higher amount–Aderline
This is male sex hormone.Testestrone
In which following known as emergency hormoneAdernile
Which secreation from the corpus lutcum–Progestron
Production of growth hormone is occurs.By Pituitary gland
Grave disease occurs due toHyper secretion of thyroid
Which is pepsin releasing cells of stomach–Main cells
In Human throat, which is known a adem’s apple–Thyroid cartilage
During single Menstural cycle generally the no of mature egg.1
In which following deficiency causes Goiture–Iodine
Which is caused by deficiency of iodine–Goiter
Iodine ness salt is usefull for–For activity of thyroid gland
Pigment which given colour to Human body–Melanin
A.C.T. hormone release by–From pituitary gland
Diabetes mellitus occur due to lack synthesis of hormone–Insuline
Functional unit of Kidney is–Nephron
In which following is responsible for water balance in human body.Kidney
In which following main excretory waste uric acid–Sparrow
During dehydration which is deficient in body–Sodium chloride
Medium which increasing the urine secretion–Duretic
Abnormal component of urine is–Albumin
In which following to the abnormal component of Urine–Kitone body
Allantois of foctus is help in–Exereation
In which following argan, which exereate water, fat and defferent watbe (catabolic)Kidney
In hemichordate excreation take place by the–Malphigion tubule
Weight of heart of healthy adult human is –300 gm
Heart not have–Voluntary muscle
Rheumatic heart treated with help of–Aspirin
For a healthy heart of resson taken balance diet, proper sleep and–Proper bad meditation
The Heart bet rate of adult human is –70-80 per minute
“Murmur” of heart is occurs due to following reason–Abnormal valve
What is cause of murmur of heart–Disorder f value
Heart working is –Transportation of blood to different
Which vien carry pure blood from the Hengs–Plumonary vein
In which following known a pace-maker of heart.SA node
How many chamber of heart found in human–Four
How many valve sets are found in human–4
First success heart transplantation done by–C.N. Banard
E.C.G. represent the activity of–Heart
The science which deal study of heart and its disease known asCardiology
How much average heart beat occurs in per minute in human.72 time
Heart attack occur due to–Low amount blood carries to the heart
Nervous is–Basic unit of Nerous system
How many bones found in human skeletal or body.206
In human body longest bone is–Femur
In human skeletal examination is generally done for–Internal age
How many muscles are found in our body.656
How many no of skeletal muscle found700
What is the hard animal layer of teeth.Calcium Hydroxy apetite
Which is part of elephant convert in from of elephant teeth–Secondary teeth
Which part of growing part of elephant teath–Upper teath
Average weight of human brain about–1.36 kg
Which are contraitile protein in any muscle–Actin and myosin
In which following muscular organism do not have exo-sketeton–Amphibea
In which following have maximum no of ribs–Snake
Odontology is branch of sicence, it study relocated to–Teegh
Windom molar is–Third molar
Oesleoayte found inBone
Know plats is onther name of –Ptela none
Tranverse coloy is part of–Large intestine
Occupital is region which found–Skull
Deficiency of vitamin – B6 cause in mole…..Anemia
Ricketis is vitamin deficient disease, which body part is affect due to its.Bone
In children which causes disease due to vitamin –D.Rickets
Which deficiency cause bending of bone of child–Vitamin – D
Vitamin D is important for–Absorption of calcium from food
Which types of vitamin fastly synthesize in body.Vitamin – D
By which prove firstly presence of cobalt in B12.Sodium nitroperoxide test
The study of medieive and it work is known as–Pharmacology
In which found in tobacco–Nicotine
Which disease occurs due to deficiency of iron?Goiter
In which following less amount caused anemia–Hemoglobin
Iron deficiency cause–Anemia
Which vitamin deficencent due to washing of pecledegetable–C
Scurvy disease caused the deficiency of –Vitamin – C
In which rich source of vitamin – C-Citrus fruit
What caused by deficiency of vitamin – CScurvy
Which is another name of vitamin – CAslorbic acid
Which in following caused by vitamin B deficiency?Beri-Beri
Which metal is important component of vitamin B12–Cobalt
In vitamin B12 which metal ion present –Cobalt
Which vitamin cause Hypoerytheroposis–Vitamin B12
In which following vitamin prevent or resist from infection in Human body?Vitamin – A
Vitamin – E is generally important for –General health of epithelial cissue.
In which following help in blood cloathing or coagulationK
In which following protein cause blood clothing–Fibrogen
In which following vitamin are present rich amount in carrot.Vitamin – A
Which disease appears due to deficiency of vitamin – ANight blindness
Which is rich source of Vitamin – ACarrot
Which vitamin give immunity–A
In which following commonly citric acid is found–Lemon